UFS lecturer exonerated of racism claim after university investigation

The University of Free State says its has concluded its investigation.
The University of Free State says its has concluded its investigation.
Image: Facebook/University of Free State

The University of Free State (UFS) confirmed on Friday that Dr Pedro Mzileni has been cleared after an inquiry into alleged race-baiting comments during a guest lecture about coloniality and the history of racism.

The investigation emanated from a complaint about the sociology lecturer by AfriForum Youth, which claimed he used rhetoric that appeared to be aimed at stoking the fires of racial division. He allegedly referred to white South Africans as “land thieves”.

The university said its probe, which included an independent fact-based investigation process, found “no evidence that students were exposed to hate speech” and also “no prima facie case of misconduct on the part of Dr Mzileni”.

It reaffirmed it unequivocally supports academic freedom and will protect and promote it, as it remains essential for intellectual growth in the pursuit of knowledge.

“The university also supports all our academic staff to pursue this crucial aspect of their work.”

Mzileni wrote on his social media platforms he had been informed of the outcome of the investigation on Thursday.

He said he had been unjustly targeted “by faceless right-wing white racist organisations”.

Mzileni accused them of making “desperate attempts to silence the teaching of history concerning the brutalities committed on black people here and across the world by white colonisers, who continue to enjoy privileges obtained out of unspeakable crimes against humanity”.

He said the teachings of this type of content would continue as prescribed in the university curriculum.

Mzileni invited all other like-minded decolonial scholars committed to the liberation of Africa and her people to never be deterred on this generational mission.

I’d like to thank everyone who supported the truth we’ve always told concerning this matter. Those who took time to support, to protest, to write messages, statements, petitions, articles and placards, you are all appreciated.”

TimesLIVE has tried to reach out to Mzileni and his comment will be added as soon as it becomes available.


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